She Said Menopause

Information and opinions presented on this website are for educational purposes and exploration of holistic health care. I am not offering medical advice in any way. You are responsible for how you use this information and any services offered if we work together. Consult with your medical doctor as you deem necessary before doing anything or making any changes that can affect your physical or mental health.  

Hello ladies! This chapter in our lives is here! You knew it was coming, but you didn’t think about it much because who needed to add more to your already full plate? Historically, no one wants to talk about menopause. Not everyone reaches perimenopause/menopause at the same time, and it can be difficult to know when it’s actually happening. So here’s the thing - we can talk about our lives at this time in our lives (40s & 50s) which brings us Gen Xer women together. And we already know we’re strong, amazing, capable, beautiful, wickedly smart women. We know how to be with people and be with ourselves. This menopause thing will mess with you one way or another. With She Said Menopause program, I’ll be there right next to you as someone who’s been “through it” on all fronts - the biological, psychological, and social. We’re talking a lot of grief processing on many fronts from our own physical changes to the loss and changes of parents and loved ones. It’s time to create this new chapter of your life as you live it and design your “now” in a positive meaningful way so your future is the life you always dreamed it would be. You can do this.

For the rest of 2023, I’m offering 1:1 lifestyle coaching for Gen X women.

Last September I turned 54. For many reasons, I’ll get into some, I can say, this trip around the sun has been the most difficult, heartbreaking year of my life. I am thankful for all the years I spent on self-care and mental health because if not, I was really close to having a mental breakdown. Thanks to loved ones, I got the support I needed to help me through menopause, financial devastation, relationship betrayal, and starting over professionally all the while advocating for social justice and being awarded a NY state dispensary license also known as CAURD, and relocating a non-profit from WA to NY still in its nascent stages. Some things I needed to let go of, but didn’t know how. I was buried.

During this process, I went deep into my spiritual practice with daily Metta practice soothing my broken heart, forgiving myself, and remembering I am love and love heals. Anger is a bitch and holds on to the burn, the weight, the disgust, the things we can’t control and anger loves to lean on our notions of what is “not fair” - I did not deserve that! While true, forgiveness of self and letting go are essential to the process of healing.

The proof is in the vegan pudding, my ladies! I have lost 20 pounds through intermittent fasting, returning to all the healthy eating I did when I was coaching and running around the city teaching yoga for fifteen years. I recreated my physical, mental, and spiritual rituals and it worked! All self-guided intuitive self-care without hormone replacement (you do you as you need).

I put my thirty years of yoga, nutrition, movement, and mind therapies into action and I feel and look amazing!

I am really proud of myself and I want to share this energy with you!

The only pre-requisite to working 1:1 with me in my She Said Menopause program is well, you gotta be a Gen Xer (born 1965-1980). We will start where you are. You can choose from a 4, 8, or 12-week program depending on how much support you need, your goals, and our schedules.* A positive mindset, self-discipline, consistency, and self-control are everything in creating healthy habits and breaking away from behaviors that contribute to stress, dissatisfaction in work, relationships, and diseases. I became certified in 2010 as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I combined a decade of yoga teaching with health coaching forming Healthy Spicy Life, a lifestyle program. My clients have found my 1:1 coaching program highly effective, supportive, and fun! We work together to get you going in the direction you want to go. More recently, I have added to my healing modalities becoming a NY-licensed clinical psychotherapist who bends deeply into her Eastern spiritual practices. We’ll use motivational interviewing to learn more about you, employ behavioral change through mindfulness, and focus on the root cause of disorders, enabling me to support you in achieving a healthier version of yourself. I am certified to guide Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) if you’d like to try a prescribed psychedelic medicine as part of your healing journey. This offering is a separate package.

Post the pandemic, I have found many people feel overwhelmed, and aren’t motivated to take on what feels like too big a mountain to climb on their own.

Woman to woman, I know I can help you with this. We’ll create a mindful fitness program together as well as work with your diet, and find out your dreams and aspirations so you will be empowered with a wealth of health knowledge. Your program is customized for you because there is only one you and you deserve to be seen and heard. Over the years, my clients have come to me with stage four cancer diagnoses, brain aneurysms, navigating marriage and relationship breakups, as well as desiring to lose weight and get stronger physically and mentally - nothing is too big or too small. This is your time to get to the other side of this natural life change, menopause, and embrace this new you!

This won’t be easy - you will work hard. Reach out only if you’re ready to commit and understand this is your precious life and our precious time to do this work. I am your accountability person. We will be spending time together.

What’s included:

  • One 45 min online spiritual counseling session per week

  • Two 45 min yoga classes per week (in person depending on location) with a kick-ass 30-year veteran yoga buddy (me)

  • Two 45 min online health coaching discussions a month where we’ll look at gut health, diet, emotions, and hormones

  • Journaling your progress and thoughts

  • Education and benefits of mindful eating, yoga nidra, meditation, and sound baths

  • Access to me (with boundaries) outside our sessions

4-Week program - $4,000

**8-Week program - $7,600

**12-Week program - $10,800

*wait list **payment plan available